This is how I finally found an effective treatment for my adrenal fatigue/chronic fatigue...

I found a book about stories of people who had recovered from CFS.  I read every story about how people had recovered. The interesting thing is that only two people had fully recovered enough
to resume their normal lives and activity levels...the place they were before they became ill.
Everyone else in the book still struggled with some level of symptoms...they had experienced improvement, but not a full recovery, and still had to pace themselves and were still limited by
some level of symptoms.

So I turned my attention to the two "full" recovery stories...one of which was about a woman who was an olympic athlete, and was able to reach a full recovery so that she could compete in her olympic

It was as easy as that to find an effective treatment.

And the treatment both people had used was a body/mind therapy...they were different therapies, but
based on a similar theory, which was based on HPA-AXIS dysfunction. So I found a practitioner who
had trained and worked with the people who had developed this theory and form of treatment, and who carried on the natural evolution of theory and treatment to develop a unique body/mind therapy of his own.

What is remarkable to me is that it was so hard to find this form of treatment. From what I can tell it's been around for the better part of 10 years, but no one seems to have heard of it. And from what I can tell, there is no research that has been done on it.  But the beauty of it is that it works very quickly, it's very effective, and it gets to the root cause of why you are so sick...something that medicine has never been able to get a handle on...


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