The Body is Wise

The body houses the soul. It tells you everything you need to know. It never lies. The body is
the unconscious, and the unconscious is the soul. Your body, literally, is a temple.

An emotion is energy. It is a cascade of chemicals and hormones that waft through your body, giving you very important information about you, your self, and your environment. An emotion is physical. A feeling is complicated. I think of  a feeling as an emotion that we try to analyze. It's emotion plus thinking, which often becomes a tangled web of stuckness. Analyzing  an emotion results in stuck energy, in both the mind and body. An emotion can't do it's proper work, which is to communicate with you , if it's tied up, energetically, in the body.

 We hold our emotions hostage, rather than listening to them. We want to control them, make them behave, stop signaling pain or dissatisfaction, or anger or sadness. We eat, drink, do drugs, medicate, supress and ignore them in order to avoid the pain, and hence the necessary growth that they are signaling us to do.

When I teach Yoga I begin each class encouraging my students to find pain, either emotional or physical, and sit with it. We sit with our pain for a few minutes, and get to know it. Pain is a portal to getting in touch with our bodies, and our emotions. Beneath the pain is our soul.

When I practice Yoga  I will often have something revealed to me while sitting in Sivasana, the final resting pose. It's that message that my body has been trying to tell me, a message that I've been too busy doing my life to pay attention to, but it's always something my soul/body knows that I've been working on in the background of my life. It comes to me in simple images or phrases. The unconscious becomes conscious...that's the work.


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