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Post Traumatic Stress Injury

   The other day I was listening to the Huberman Lab podcast, and his guest was Dr. Victor Carrion who was talking about his work with PTSD in children. What I really liked about this discussion was that Dr. Carrion had a new phrase that really hit home for me. He called PTSD a Post Traumatic Injury. I really like that description because I feel as though it helps to further explain what CFS/ME/And Long Covid really are.  The very distressing and debilitating symptoms that sufferers are experiencing, are a reflection of a nervous system that is in a state of Post Traumatic Stress Injury. The sufferer has experienced a physical and or emotional stressor, that has caused the nervous system to go into "overdrive" with no ability to switch into the rest/relax parasympathetic state that is required for our bodies to function normally. The body is unable to achieve homeostasis. T

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